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Monday, November 12, 2012

Intermittent Streams

Intermittent Streams
Intermittent: Stopping or ceasing for a time; alternately ceasing and beginning again. This is the definition given in the Random House Webster's College Dictionary, and it also defines my writing habits since last May. Job hunting became my primary focus last spring and it paid off - I am now working full time as Treasurer of a small town and I love it. I have mixed emotions, of course. I no longer spend afternoons in my studio and far less art is being created these days. But we do what needs to be done and I did finish the piece pictured above, which I consider one of my master works.

I once worked as a cartographer and loved the swirls and eddies of elevation lines and the interpretive story they told. Often there would be a sparsely dotted line in the cleavage of a canyon or between elongated alpine lakes. In the key at the bottom of the map these dots were said to represent, "intermittent streams".

Beads over net and fabric - detail
During my years of working in the field for the Forest Service, the dotted lines on my field map would often warn me of upcoming brushy and boggy areas that would be difficult to navigate. Other times, the dotted line would turn out to be beautiful wide and sunlit beachy areas, strewn with rock, drift wood, and sparse shrubbery. You just never knew for sure what it would be. It was part of the thrill and mystery. Of learning to have a little faith in your map and your own skill in finding your way.  

In recent years, hiking with friends, one in particular, is how I have gotten back into the wilds of Idaho. We often hiked up trails that would have a stream running alongside. Some were prettier than others, but I always found myself gazing at the tumbling, sheeting, and ever moving water. I would look beneath the shining surface to see what I could see...  rounded rocks, ribbons of sand, glinting fish...  all arranged and defined by the running of the stream.

Paper Map
My hiking friend moved away last summer; also doing what needed to be done to keep her own life moving and flowing. She asked me to create a piece for her and immediately images began to swirl and form in my mind and then on paper. Near my drafting table where I draw my paper maps, I laid out several Georgia O'Keefe images and strew my own photographs across them. Glancing from these to my drawing, this piece seemed to form gently and easily. Very little erasing, minimal hair pulling, and no cursing.

Returning to an office job after several years of being on one's own is not easy, no matter how grateful you are for the job or how good the job is. Having this curvy, vibrant, involved piece to work on while making that adjustment added energy and grace to both projects. I am happy with both of them.

Island and Beach
Silk beach grass overlay

Scene from my daily walk out Roseberry Road

1 comment:

  1. So glad to meet you and make the fiber connection. I hope you write more, I enjoy your musings. I like the detail photos of your layered art quilt, and Intermittent Streams is indeed a masterpiece.
