October Crabapple |
Yes, I'm afraid so. Can you believe this is the same cheerful crabapple I photographed in my last post? This is the early morning scene off my back porch. Checking my journals from previous years, this is a mite early for a sticking snow even for us. Hunters and skiers are jumping for joy. Me... well, I'm sure this is a passing anomaly and I'm so close to real studio time...
I am one week post-op today and, though frequently tired, am doing extremely well. My "swelly belly" is slowly diminishing and as of yesterday, I can walk upright without too much mincing. I was feeling and looking like Yoda there for awhile, but I rapidly improve and am enjoying catching up on a few things that are couch friendly... like FINALLY putting those 1998 pictures of my trip to visit my sister who happened to live in France at the time in a photo album. With narration. Of course. Words, words, words, I love and live for words. I think about them all the time. Running narratives populate my mind constantly. I was writing this blog in my shower this morning while gazing out the bathroom window which has returned to it's winter state of reflecting dappled gray and silver light. See what I mean?
Oh Happy Day |
My good recovery is aided greatly by my wonderful friends and family who have sent care packages, brought meals, and dropped by to visit. Thank you thank you. One such friend drove my car (and me) out to the woods on Monday where she sat me in this chair and took my picture then went off to harvest Valerian. I was in heaven even without my book..
Cousin Jon: If you are reading this from your fancy phone and you are still in Michigan, would you please pick up a Petosky stone for me? I lost my brown paper sack of them when I moved from there to here years ago and it has always grieved me. Thanks!